Other information resources

ARRCC provides information to assist individuals, groups and faith communities to learn about and take action against climate change.

See also resources for individual lifestyle choices.

Fact Sheets

ARRCC currently has the following fact sheets available:

   Thumbnail Fact sheet GreenPower  

More factsheets will be made available over time. If you would like to see a fact sheet on a particular issue, contact us.

Coal and Gas Study Guide

Uniting Earth Ministry has produced this study guide for those seeking to understand and respond to the significant increase in mining projects in NSW in recent years. Download the resource here

 coal and gas guide icon

Coal Study Guide (2017)

Uniting Earth Ministry has produced a guide specifically on coal mining, why the Uniting Church cares and the environmental impacts are. Download the resource here

Useful links

This is a list of multi-faith and interfaith initiatives and resources from around the world focused on climate change and the environment.

In Australia



The Climate Council, formerly the Climate Commission, is another independent and reliable source of information about:

  • the science of climate change,
  • the international action being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
  • the economics of a low carbon economy.

Click the icon below for some great resources.

 Climate Council Logo